In the Audubon Tradition Exhibition

About Wes Siegrist
Wes Siegrist’s paintings are easy to spot in a show. They’re tiny! You have to get really close to see his compositions. And viewers do just that with magnifying glasses typically provided by the artist in hand. Siegrist’s paintings beg closer inspection and reward those who do with refinement that finds viewers saying “Wow” and “You’ve got to see this!” to those beside them. Alongside his wife Rachelle, they have been hailed as some of the finest living practitioners of miniature art. They currently have an unprecedented, history-making touring exhibition of their miniature paintings traveling to museums around the United States.
Wes is a Signature Member with the Miniature Artists of America Society (MAA) and a Distinguished Signature Member with the Society of Animal Artists (SAA) with whom he currently serves as the Executive Director. The Artist resides in Townsend, Tennessee beside the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Enjoying The Warm Sun
3.5 x 5.5
This painting was more about the lighting and warmth of the setting than the subject. I chose to render the background with metallic gold gouache to emphasize that sparkle of the afternoon sun.
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Rock Patrol
2.5 x 4.5
Spotted sandpipers are always exploring along the shore of the lakes and streams near us in Tennessee. Usually, we catch just a glimpse of them. This time, I was lucky enough to have my kayak beached enjoying my lunch when this guy came up and started patrolling the shoreline back and forth nearby. A real treat for me and he was successful in his search for lunch, too!
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Teton Blue
2.75 x 2.75
I love birdwatching and still recall the first time I spotted a Mountain bluebird in Wyoming blazing in beauty with its brilliant blue. The addition of the gold pigment makes this work as much icon as painting.
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Lurking In The Pea Soup
3.5 x 5.5
Alligators never cease to thrill, amaze and inspire me! Even more so now that I live in Tennessee and have to wait long periods to view them in the wild during our travels. I’ve rendered over a dozen alligator paintings thus far in my career, so I chose this image as something different. I strove to make the gator somewhat secondary… a surprise to the viewer as they explored the duckweed in the marsh! I hope the discovery gives them the same thrill!
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Snack Time
3.5 x 5.5
I believe I could sit and watch chipmunks all day with their antics and overall cuteness factor. I spotted this little fella while hiking inside the Rocky Mountains and he was taking advantage of the lovely day to fill his storehouse
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Waiting for High Tide
3.5 x 5.5
Yes, I know it is really a turtle sunning on a rock but to meit was a commentary on the predicaments we often find ourselves in when good ideas go bad.
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On Pins And Needles
3.5 x 2.5
Jumping chollas are out to get you is what we had been told when visiting Arizona and sure enough my wife and I both were bleeding at some point in our excursion. It didn’t bother this sparrow though as he chose it for his stage to serenade us with song.
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The Incubator
3.5 x 5.5
I came across these Barn Swallows while kayaking in Tennessee. Not only had they chosen the security of the boathouse, one couple had taken the added step of making their nursery atop the light … hence my title!