In the Audubon Tradition Exhibition

About Jim Morgan
“The most important aspect of being an artist is being a keen observer. Nature’s
Jim Morgan is the featured artist at the Steamboat Art Museum’s retrospective exhibition “Moments In The Wild” December 7, 2018 – April 13, 2019. Jim will have over 70 select paintings spanning his
Night Talker
oil on linen
Night Talker, one of many Native American names for the great horned owl.
A great horned owl waits in a twisted old juniper for the desert sun to set to begin the nightly hunt.
How to Purchase
Killdeer with Nest
oil on linen
A female killdeer stands to shade her nest from the hot June sun. Their nest, eggs and newly hatched chicks are so well
How to Purchase
High Desert Wind
oil on linen
From her vantage point on a volcanic rock formation, a dignified mature Golden Eagle surveys her high desert hunting ground in search of an unaware jackrabbit or sage grouse. The sharp-eyed hunter of the western skies, which I consider one of the most elegant of birds, and the high desert landscape with its endless vistas and lichen-covered rock outcroppings are some of my favorite subjects.