Blossom II
Gallery 1

Founder’s Purchase Award
Huli Wigman of Papua New Guinea
Sue Clanton
22” x 15” watercolor

Best Botanical Award
Convallaria Majalis
Milly Acharya
11” x 15.5″ watercolor
Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-valley) Myosotis sylvatica (Forget-me-not) Polygonatum multiflorum (Solomon’s seal) are three spring flowers across the street from me. My friend Lauren’s majestic old tree shelters an established bed of shade plants – a delectable springtime display of fragrant lily-of-the-valley, stately solomon’s seal, timid forget-me-not. The lily-of-the-valley, a long-time candidate for inclusion in my portfolio, resisted being a sole specimen, free from the embrace of its companions! Therefore, the trio of bedfellows entered my studio for a group portrait. Following time-honored botanical convention, I illustrate only single individual plants; but since these particular spring flowers grew clustered together, roots intertwined, inseparable, like siblings or close friends, I hadn’t the heart to sunder them!
Best of Show
Blue with Oleanders
Berry Fritz
12” x 12″ oil

Best of Small Work
Firecracker Mumms
Susan Elwart Hall
8” x 10″ oil

Award of Exellence
Nilton Mendonca
24.5″ x 20” oil